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AGM 2023

Cunninghame Housing Association holds its 39th Annual General Meeting.

Cunninghame Housing Association held its 39th AGM at the Head Office in Quayside, Ardrossan.

The turnout by share members was very encouraging. Highlights included a presentation by the Acting CEO, Linda Anderson, of the Association’s activities and achievements over the past year.

Reflecting on the past year’s milestones, she was able to look ahead and talk about the organisation’s future strategy.

Auditors presented their findings to the members which assured them of the Associations financial health.

Lesley keenan retires from her role as CHAIRPERSON

Lesley was thanked for her invaluable contribution to the organisation over the years, and for her hard work and commitment.

Lesley was presented with flowers, with all present wishing her the very best for the future.

Once again, we thank Lesley for her continued support and contribution making the Association ‘More than just a landlord’. We wish her all the best in her well-deserved retirement.

Janet Strang returns to role as CHAIRPERSON

After Lesley’s departure, we welcome back Janet Strang who has been re-elected as Chairperson.

She is the longest serving Board Member having joined the Association in April 1994. During this time, she held roles such as Chairperson and Company Secretary within the Board of Management and Sub Committees.

We would like to welcome Janet back and wish her every success in her return to the role.

The afternoon ended with a prize raffle and refreshments for those in attendance. This gave the chance for share members to chat with staff and Board members. If you would like to find out more about our Board of Management, click the button below.

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