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Annual General Meeting 2022

CHA’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 7th September 2022 at 14:15 in our Head Office in Ardrossan. Share members should have received AGM packs in the post with all the details.

You will have a presentation covering a Look back at the Year, which highlights the activities over year. The Annual Audited Accounts will be presented for the period 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022.

We very much hope you can come to the AGM. If you need transport to/from the office, please contact Kirsteen Wylie or Elaine Nimmo using the contact details below.

Elaine Nimmo (1)
Elaine Nimmo
Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive
Kirsteen Wyllie (003)
Kirsteen Wyllie
Administrator to the Chief Executive

Please see the criteria and form details below If you have an interest in being a £1 Share member.:

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