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Census 2022 And Why Its Important

The cut off for finishing Scotland’s Census 2022 is fast nearing. Every household in Scotland must finish the form by May 1st 2022.

Returns are particularly low in Saltcoats, Stevenston and Irvine. You may have been visited by Census staff knocking on doors of homes that have yet to fill it in. The team have found that putting on support groups has let vulnerable community members talk to their field teams.

You will have received a letter through the post giving you details on how to fill in the Census. You can also fill it in online by visiting the Government Website.

You will be asked for an “Internet Access Code” to begin the form. If you have lost or haven’t received it, there are instructions on the webpage to get it.

Filling out the Census is very important as it is the only count of everybody in Scotland. It lets local and national bodies plan for services which will benefit you and make an impact on your community.

We are asking that you fill in the Census as soon as possible.

Please follow the link below to begin

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