You will receive a prompt in your Universal Credit Journal asking you to confirm your new Housing Costs.
The Association acknowledges with great sadness, the passing of former long serving board member Alistair Ramsay
Join us for the Ardrossan Easter Egg hunt at The Hub On The Prom, 9th April, 11:00am
A 'Meet and Greet' event was held to introduce tenants and residents associations to Sean Lundy, the new Tenant Engagement Officer
Kelly Smith, Housing Officer of Cunninghame Housing Association recently presented a cheque for £1,000 to Josh Stewart, as part of a 3-year sponsorship award.
Cunninghame Housing Association and partners support local foodbanks
Our Housing Team are out delivered 50 food hampers to nominated tenants in time for Christmas!
Jacqueline Cameron succeeds Linda Anderson as the Associations new Group Chief Executive Officer.
Cunninghame Housing Association recently presented a cheque for £1,000 to Saltcoats Christmas Carnival Committee.
Janet Strang, Chairperson of Cunninghame Housing Association recently presented a cheque for £430 to Morven Gow, Convenor at the Tidelines Book Festival.
Janet Strang, Chairperson of Cunninghame Housing Association recently presented a cheque for £960 to Paul McCurdy, Digital Coordinator at CLASP.