Over this difficult period, the Scottish housing sector has continued to give essential services and support to communities. The Scotland Housing Awards stands for an chance to identify, showcase, celebrate and share this incredible and inspiring work.
We have been short-listed as nominees in the these categories:
Working in Partnership:
Partnership/Gretna FC 2008 Project: Partner organisation: Raydale Community Partnership
How We Achieved Our Working In Partnership Nomination
Over the last 24 months we’ve helped Raydale Community Partnership (RCP) in Gretna with business plans and major funding offers. This will secure more than £500,000 to help create an 11-a-side astroturf pitch, gym, fitness room and changing areas.
Working together our aim is to create the Raydale Community Sports Hub and improve access to sport and leisure areas. This is for local children and adults who now travel long distances, including into England, to sporting spaces. We also gathered several large portacabins from one of our home developments sites in Lockerbie. £16,000 was put down to move these cabins to Gretna in early 2020. Therefore, creating 3250 sq ft space for the changing rooms, community gym and large multi-purpose fitness space. The project has started, with the 3g facility due to end in August / September 2021.
Excellence in Tenant Scrutiny:
Cunninghame Housing Association: Cunninghame Scrutiny Group
How We Achieved Our Excellence In Tenant Scrutiny Nomination
During the course of the year the department spoke widely about annual rent increase proposals. This involved individual newsletters everyone, personal telephone contact where asked and a meeting of all of the Association’s Tenant Organisations. Our Cunninghame Scrutiny Group carried out a detailed look at our Neighbour disputes, anti-social behaviour policy and procedures. They then made recommendations on improvements. The group were involved designing our tenant satisfaction survey and are developing a performance plan from the results. They have created a programme of scrutiny exercises. This will help make sure that our services are going well from a tenant’s point of view.
During the year we started phase 3 of our rent restructure. This included the results of a wide ranging consultation exercise involving all tenants and tenant’s groups. The new guide will be carried out over a 7 year period to limit the impact of any changes. Once finished the rent structure will give a fairer and easily understood approach to rents. The proposed time plan will make sure tenants affected by increases have the best possible advice and help is given.
Excellence in Regeneration:
Cunninghame Housing Association: Lockerbie Academy and Old School Regeneration Project
How We Achieved The Excellence In Regeneration Nomination
Part of our Dumfries & Galloway Regeneration see’s The Association giving project management support to the Lockerbie Old School SCIO. This is to create plans and secure funds to refurbish the former Dryfesdale Public Old School building. Built in 1875 it has been at the heart of the local area for over 140 years. In 1988, during the Lockerbie Disaster, the school building was home to the investigation HQ.
The Group got the building via an asset move from Dumfries and Galloway Council in 2020. Working with the Old School Committee and Dumfries and Galloway Council the aim is to create a new Community Centre. This will give exciting new meeting, cultural, training and business space within Lockerbie Town Centre.
The Association is also developing proposals for a number of residential units for residents with extra support needs. This would also be found on the site. We are raising a funds package of £4m from a range of public and Trust funders for the Centre. The aim is that the project could go on site in 2022.
The award winners will be announced on the 25th November 2021. The event will be held at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Glasgow.
“CHA has transformed a previously derelict housing site into a stylish, modern housing development warmly welcomed by the community. The Lockerbie Old School Committee are excited to be partnering with CHA on our project. Their expertise, community focus and dedication to create positive change are second to none”.
GILLIAN MOFFAT, Lockerbie Old School Secretary, LOS
“Building new homes , regenerating communities and helping to build new futures for people and communities. Thats what we are all about. We are more than just a landlord making its communities better places.”
FRANK SWEENEY, Group Chief Exec, Cunninghame Housing Association
I am surprised and delighted our Scrutiny Group has made the shortlist for the 2021 CIH Scotland Housing Awards. We also made the shortlist in 2019, but it would be amazing if we were to win this year. It would be a fantastic recognition for all the time and work our group members contribute. They have worked with Cunninghame to help improve its services to our tenants.
CHRISTINE MARSHALL, Cunninghame Scrutiny Group Member