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Challenge Poverty Week

#Challenge Poverty Week

In work poverty is more common than ever.  The biggest cost that families in work will usually face is their housing costs/rent.

If you are a Cunninghame Housing Association tenant our Financial Inclusion Officer team could help maximise your income by checking to see if you are entitled to help with your rent.

Our Financial Inclusion Officer can also make referrals to employment services for advice and support, to build your skills, access training opportunities, improve your interview skills and much more.

Our local services are:

  • Economic Development & Regeneration – Employability Team
  • Fair Start Scotland
  • CEIS Ayrshire
  • Equal (supported employment for the disabled community in North Ayrshire)

However, if you would like help or advice, please contact our Financial Inclusion Team. You can use the contact details listed below.


Our Financial Inclusion Officers are here to give support to our tenants on a wide range of financial problems.

candice new
Candice Adam
Financial Inclusion Officer
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