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Common Allocation Policy

Common Allocation Policy

Consultation to be launched on proposed changes to the Common Allocation Policy

A consultation by the Single East Ayrshire Register for Community Housing (SEARCH) partners – namely Atrium Homes. Cunninghame Housing Association, East Ayrshire Council, Riverside Scotland Housing Association, Shire Housing Association, on changes to the Common Allocation Policy.

The Common Allocation Policy is designed by the partners to make the process of applying for a house easier. It addresses housing needs and makes the best use of the housing stock while maximising access/choice.

There are six proposed changes:

  • Larger Circumstances points awards will be looked at every six months
  • Strategic Needs grouping for Armed Forces’ personnel awards will be extended from three to six months
  • Priority two Health and Disability points will be increased from 20 to 21 points
  • Applicants with a life limiting terminal diagnosis will be awarded the highest Health and Disability priority. Where their current home is unsuitable for their current or future needs.
  • Applicants assessed as qualified for Care and Support points will be moved into the Strategic Needs Group
  • Kept waiting list points will be removed.

Proposed changes will be presented to tenants, applicants on the housing list, registered tenant organisations, national charities, seeking their views.

Councillor Jim McMahon, Spokesperson for Housing, Welfare and Poverty, Social Care, Mental Health and Addiction and Recovery said. “The SEARCH partners have worked together to identify areas of the Common Allocation Policy that can be improved. They can assist applicants while making sure that the best use is made of the housing stock available.

“I encourage the proposed changes and hope that you will take five minutes to respond to our consultation. The consultation will run from Monday 13 March until close of play on Monday 24 April. You can have your say by filling out the survey online or filling out a paper copy.”

Have your say by:

  • completing the survey online
  • if you don’t have internet access you can contact the Housing Register team for help

  • paper copies can be returned to: Customer Liaison Team, FREEPOST RSEY-XHST-JHGL, Johnnie Walker Bond, Strand Street, KILMARNOCK, KA1 1HU (a stamp is not needed).

Please get in touch for more information, a paper copy, larger text or translated copy.

  • for Atrium Homes call 01563 528816
  • for Cunninghame Housing Association call 01294 607553 or email:
  • for the Council’s Housing Register Team call 01563 554400 or email:
  • for Riverside Scotland call 0345 112 6600
  • for Shire Housing Association call 01290 421130
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