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East Ayrshire Food Larders Grant Awards

Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise

unninghame Housing Association’s Board of Management awarded £500 to Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise. They supported their local community in its time of need during Covid. The organisation voluntarily, made up food parcels and delivered to people who were vulnerable, immobile, or isolated.

The donation of £500 was a massive support to help aid the project. It supported many families, particularly, a local primary school, who identified families that would benefit from the food parcels.

thank you to Cunninghame Housing Association for their kind donation. It is greatly appreciated and is a huge support to the work we do in the local community”.

DEREK KING, Facility Manager, Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise

Netherthird Initiative for Community Empowerment (NICE)

Cunninghame Housing Association’s Board of Management awarded £500 to Netherthird Initiative for Community Empowerment. The money will assist with the costs involved in the running of their food larder. The food larder is run by volunteers and gives local people access to groceries/toiletries at a lower cost. This is opposed to the expensive supermarkets which may not be a choice for people who are struggling financially.

thank you to Cunninghame Housing Association’s Board of Management for their donation to the food larder, it is greatly appreciated. The food larder has been very busy, especially during Covid and the support is very much appreciated

SYLVIA, Netherthird Community Centre

Kilmarnock Onthank, NWKLEUS

Cunninghame Housing Association’s Board of Management awarded £500 to Kilmarnock Onthank, NWKLEUS. The money will assist with the running costs of their community food larder. The many volunteers involved have worked hard to give cooked meals to the most vulnerable in the community. It started during Covid, where people have struggled financially, with ill health or feeling isolated.

the donation is gratefully received and will go towards helping to assist the 70 families that are registered with us

MARLENE HAY, Food Larder Co-ordinator, Kilmarnock Onthank (NWKLEUS)

You can find more about the “Making Our Communities Better Places” Fund by clicking the link below.


The “Making Our Communities Better Places” fund team are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Elaine Nimmo (1)
Elaine Nimmo
Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive
Kirsteen Wyllie (003)
Kirsteen Wyllie
Administrator to the Chief Executive
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