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Energy bills support scheme

Who will get the £400 energy payment?
All households across the UK will receive the £400 energy payment. This means that in total, around 28 million households will receive it. The payment will be non means-tested and will be paid to every home in the UK.

When will the £400 energy grant be paid?
The £400 energy payment will be made from October 2022, the payment is expected to be made over the course of six months.

How will the £400 energy payment be made?
People paying for energy by direct debit will have the £400 credited to their account. Direct debit customers will see the money credited to their account. Those with pre-payment meters will get it added to their meter or be provided with a payment voucher.

Will I need to pay back the £400 energy payment?
You will not need to pay back the £400 energy payment, as it is not a loan. The government previously planned to offer £200 loans to help people pay their energy bills, but this scheme has been scrapped and replaced with the £400 non-repayable grant.

If you’re struggling with your energy bills the first step should be to contact your energy supplier. They may be able to change your payment plan or check if you’re eligible for their hardship fund.

You can also contact our Lemonaid team by emailing for energy advice or support.

If you would like any advice or assistance in relation to this, please contact one of CHA’s Financial Inclusion Team by using the contact details listed below.


Our Financial Inclusion Officers are here to provide support to our tenants on a wide range of financial issues

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Candice Adam
Financial Inclusion Officer
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