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Help Shape A More Connected Accessible & Welcoming Ardrossan

Project Details

Sustrans Scotland are working in with North Ayrshire Council and Ardrossan Community Development Trust on the Ardrossan Connections project.

The project is an exciting opportunity to make improvements to the National Cycle Network in Ardrossan. It connects the centre of Ardrossan, and is a route between the Three Towns and throughout North Ayrshire. It will also aim to improve signage, celebrate local heritage and support access to reasonable, independent and non-motorised travel.

With a focus on change, it is important to include local businesses and groups based in the Study Area. This makes sure one goal for the area is developed, and designs have positive impacts on those involved.

Have Your Say

From 13th January 2021, we are asking the local community to share their needs and aspirations for the local area.

The consultation, which can be accessed here will be open for comments until 3 February 2021. Those who send comments will be able to enter our prize draw to win a £30 shopping voucher.

Join one of the virtual launch events on 20th January to meet the team, find out more and share ideas.

“Join one of the virtual launch events on 20th January to meet the team, find out more and share ideas”

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