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How Our Financial Inclusion Team Supports Our Tenants

During the year 2021/22, The Financial Inclusion Team has helped tenants achieve £164,144.00 in financial gains.

This is through various types of help making up this sum including:

Benefits checks for tenants, make sure they receive their benefits and assisting where asked. Our team usually helps you apply. New benefits claimed include:

  • Universal Credit
  • Scottish Child Payment
  • Best Start Grant
  • Pension Credit
  • Disability Benefits (PIP/ESA/DLA etc)

Our team assisted those who applied for the Scottish Welfare Fund and referrals to the Lemonaid project for advice on:

  • Fuel costs
  • Utility debts
  • Meter top-ups

Tenants were also assisted to fill in Council Tax Reduction forms and Discretionary Housing Payments for hardship.  The Team also assisted with benefit backdates and claim problems and charitable grants, where identified.

If you are a CHA tenant experiencing financial problems, contact your Housing Officer.  We can help.



Our Financial Inclusion Officers are here to give support to our tenants on a wide range of financial problems.

candice new
Candice Adam
Financial Inclusion Officer
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