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Kate’s Kitchen Cabin Donation

Ashleigh Building are delivering a total of 157 reasonable housing units for Cunninghame Housing Association over two areas in Annan.

The High Street in Annan is a total of 27 homes, these were handed over this year. MSP Kevin Stewart went to the opening ceremony in February 2020, and we are restoring the last 5 units.

The second area is based at Hallmeadow in Annan. We are delivering a total of 130 homes, which started on the 6th July 2020.

On all of our projects we seek to improve communities. We work closely with local schools, local groups and sports groups. Cunninghame Housing Association was contacted by Hazel Thompson from Kate’s Kitchen. She was looking for a cabin that could be up-cycled and used by their volunteer gardeners garden projects.

Kate’s Kitchen is a charity from Annan, who run a café for people within Annan.

Their aims are:

  • To give good wholesome cooked meals, especially to the homeless and vulnerable members of the local community.
  • To offer a welcoming environment and the opportunity for regular support.
  • To give support and sign-posting to proper professional bodies.
  • To help people get back on their feet and regain their sense of self-worth.

Cunninghame Housing Association asked our Area Director who involved partners, Jarvie Plant Hire and J&J Currie in sourcing a cabin. We are excited to see how this cabin will be transformed by Kate’s Kitchen’s Volunteers in the upcoming months.

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