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Making Our Communities Better Places Fund

Set up some 25 years ago and has administered approximately £150k to local charity, groups and individuals.
Making Our Communities Better Places Fund

The CHA Making Our Communities Better Places Fund was first set up some 25 years ago and to date has administered approximately £200,000 to local charity, groups and individuals.

Level of Sponsorship Available
  • North and East Ayrshire (£20,000)
  • The following areas within Dumfries and Galloway: (£10,000)
  • Dumfries
  • Annan
  • Gretna
  • Lockerbie
  • Eastriggs
The fund criteria is as follows:
  • Any group, individual or organisation with a clear connection with the communities within which the Association operates can make an application for funding.


  • That all applicants complete and submit for consideration the Association’s standard Application Form along with the last 3 months of bank statements and any other supporting documentation requested.


  • That any Association employee or Board of Management Member having a connection with an application received and being considered must declare this interest to the Group Chief Executive. In this respect they will not take part in any decision on the application.


  • No support will be given to any application which is not consistent with the Association’s criteria and charitable status.


  • That a confidential report is submitted to the Board of Management by the Group Chief Executive with recommendations.


  • That the applicant will complete and return the Association’s feedback questionnaire on the donation/sponsorship process prior to any payment being made.


  • That the applicant agrees to engage with the Association to maximise its media coverage of any award made and for the Association to use any media content it creates for future promotion.


  • Only one application per organisation, individual or group will be considered in any one financial period 1st April – 31st March each year. (Up to a maximum of 3 consecutive years)
How to make an application

Please note that the closing date for Making Our Communities Better Places funding applications for 2024/25 is Sunday 2nd March 2025.

Following the closing date the fund will be placed on hold until further notice to allow a review to be undertaken. Check back here for further updates advising when the fund will reopen.

Contact Information

The “Making Our Communities Better Places” fund team are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Elaine Nimmo (1)
Elaine Nimmo
Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive
Kirsteen Wyllie (003)
Kirsteen Wyllie
Administrator to the Chief Executive
The CHA Making Our Communities Better Places Fund was first set up some 25 years ago and to date has administered approximately £150,000 to local charity, groups and individuals. Fund sponsorship operates through the Associations financial year which runs from 1st April to 31st March.


19 Dec: CLASP
Janet Strang, Chairperson of Cunninghame Housing Association recently presented a cheque for £960 to Paul McCurdy, Digital Coordinator at CLASP.


01 Aug: Dominik Czopek
Alan Somerville, Senior Development Officer of Cunninghame Housing Association recently presented a cheque for £1,000 to Dominik Czopek, a young tennis player from Dumfries.
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