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Operate a Business Application Form
Give a description of the type of business you wish to run from the property?
I understand that I cannot start operating a business from home until permission has been granted.  I understand that if I am in receipt of any Housing Benefit/Universal Credit I am obliged to notify the appropriate department of my earnings.  I am aware that Cunninghame Housing Association retains the right to revoke permission granted to operate a business from home at anytime.  In the event that permission is granted I am aware that the following stipulations require to be adhered to: 
  • No noise or nuisance will be caused to neighbouring properties and tenants. 
  • There will be no risk to the building, garden area or to other people associated with the business. 
  • The business will be reputable and not have a negative affect on the reputation of the Association.  
  • The business will not be advertised on the property including nameplates, posters, signs etc cannot be displayed on or around the property. 
  • Will not allow delivery, storage or distribution of any related business materials. 
  • Will not carry out construction, maintenance, assembly or repair work. 
  • Will not park any goods vehicles in residential area or in any allocated parking areas. 
  • Will not use the property as a registered office or use the property address on business stationery 
  • The appropriate insurance cover in respect of running a business form home are in place. 

I confirm that I am in agreement to abiding by the conditions set out by the Association above in order that permission to operate my business is granted. I understand that if the conditions are breached the Association will withdraw the permission granted and I will require to cease operating my business within a period of two weeks.
by typing your name here you are digitally signing the applcation form
by typing your name here you are digitally signing the applcation form
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