We use a performance management system to help us improve the service we give. Our system is built and configured in line with our Performance Management Framework.
Performance Management is a set of management and analytic processes. It lets the performance of an organisation to be managed to achieving its pre-chosen strategy and strategic goals. The Framework is the structure that the processes fit within. Therefore, it not only serves as an aid to managing performance. But, more importantly it helps to understand how every department and people’s performance contributes to the success of the business.
The Framework is a strategy based measurement system that helps to improve how we display and carry out our Strategy. It starts by setting out our approach to information collection. Then goes on to explain the importance of our Mission, Vision, Corporate Strategy. Then the use of critical for success factors, KPIs and department operation plans. Finally, it highlights the importance of “The Golden Thread” role of all our people.
A good Performance Management Framework is working when organisational performance management and the performance management of its people are mixed. Integrating organisational and people performance is a two-way process. While organisational goals must tell personal targets. Individuals and teams should be able to feedback problems from the frontline in order to tell future planning. This approach gives a wider understanding on service problems. It engages staff in the business of the Association, identifies barriers to execution and helps to convey to staff:-
- What they should be doing.
- How they should be doing it.
- How this fits with the Association’s overall vision
- Why we need departmental Service Improvement & Delivery Plan.
- How they go towards to our success.
This approach is called the ‘Golden Thread’ of Performance management. The principle that Investors in People (IIP – no Re-markable) look for. CHA is IIP Platinum.
The contribution that regular staff awareness, involvement, training and workshops can make to the ongoing development of Cunninghame’s Performance Management Framework and the Golden Thread cannot be overstated. This will be a key focus in our staff training and engaging programmes. It is important that our staff understand how they contribute to the success of the Association in achieving its Strategy and Goals.
All Key Performance Indicators as set via our Departmental Plans are monitored on a three month basis. They are told ‘live’ to our Board of Managment.
Our internal policies, procedures and processes are audited by Internal Auditors annually. This makes sure compliance with our Performance Management Framework and all regulatory bodies.
All departements targets are monitored every three months by the Board of Management. They look at ‘live’ projects and observe our Key Performance Indicators via our Performance Scorecards.
Throughout the housing sector, there are many ways to measure performance. One way is to assess an organisation’s performance against a pre defined guide, or standard. This tells us explicitly what an organisation should be wanting to do in order to be well regarded.
Many organisations assess themselves against such standards or frameworks. These can either be externally defined standards or locally defined standards
A number of frameworks or standards are of a regulatory nature, whilst others are of an optional nature. At Cunninghame Housing Association we measure our performance against a number of externally defined performance frameworks. Including but not limited to – ‘Customer Service Excellence’, ‘National Care Standards’, Scottish Housing Regulator – ‘Regulatory Code of Governance’ and the Scottish Social Housing Charter which is explained in more detail below:
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 sets standards that all Social Landlords need to meet with regards to performance.
As a Registered Social Landlord, Cunninghame Housing Association Ltd need to send an annual return to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Detailing their performance against the standards and results as set in the Charter.
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) assesses if housing associations and co-operatives are meeting the results contained within the Charter. They use a series of performance measurements.
In May each year, housing associations and co-operatives send an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) to the SHR. It is used to monitor, assess and report on landlords’ performance against the Charter.
Copies of our Annual Returns on the Charter can be downloaded below.
We report and present performance information to our tenants and other stakeholders by means of the following:
- CHA Website.
- Reports to Registered Tenants’ Associations.
- Quarterly Tenants’ Newsletters.
- Annual Performance Report to Tenants
- Annual Report on the Scottish Housing Charter.
- Annual Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR)
Should you require a hard copy please complete a request and a copy will be sent by mail.
You can view all of the Cunninghame Housing Association Annual Reports here.
You can view all of the Cunninghame Housing Association Annual Return On The Charter Reports here:
You can view all of the Cunninghame Housing Association Tenants Reports On Annual Performance Here.
You can view all of the Cunninghame Housing Association Annual Assurance Statements Here.