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Self Isolation Support Grant

Details of the new Scottish Government’s Self-Isolation Support Fund were announced during the First Minister’s update this afternoon. The details are:

The start date is 12/10/2020

  • The one-off amount is £500
  • The money will be given by each local council’s Scottish Welfare Fund.
  • The money is for those who will face hard times due to loss of wages, due to needing to self-isolate
  • You must have been told to self-isolate through the Test & Protect programme. You should work from home where you can. The Scottish Government expect employers to continue to pay people while they are working.

It’s targeted at people receive UC/legacy benefits. These include Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit, Income Support, income based Jobseeker’s Allowance and income-related Employment Support Allowance. There are some cases to make awards to others in financial hardship.

However, if you would like help or advice, please contact our Financial Inclusion Team. You can use the contact details listed below.


Our Financial Inclusion Officers are here to give support to our tenants on a wide range of financial problems.

candice new
Candice Adam
Financial Inclusion Officer
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