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Supportive Services We Offer

Cunninghame Housing Associatio aim to be supportive towards all of our tenants. We aim to give our tenants the upmost support and help. Here are some of the ways we try to assist our tenants during the cost-of-living crisis:

Lemon Aid:

We offer crisis support through the current Energy Crisis. We aim to prevent loss of connection and help to restore power. This includes arranging credit for those on prepayment meters with no funds. In April 2023 we gave £5,220 worth of vouchers to assist tenants with their gas and electricity bills. This service is available to all our residents. Please, do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

If you seek support or advice, follow this link to fill out the self-referral form.

Financial Inclusion Team:

Our Financial Inclusion Team give advice and support about financial inclusion problems. These include income maximisation, access to welfare benefits and how to access suitable debit advice. They can help you access financial products, and services such as basic bank accounts, credit unions and reasonable low-cost loans. Other services include increasing financial capability.

Our team usually assists with the application form. New benefits claimed include:

  • Universal Credit
  • Scottish Child Payment
  • Best Start Grant
  • Pension Credit
  • Disability Benefits

You can call on (01294) 607553 or e-mail our Financial Inclusion Officer for more information:

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